Symbiosesamarbejdet har udviklet sig spontant over en længere årrække og omfatter i dag omkring 20 projekter. Udvekslingen af restprodukter mellem virksomhederne fremgår af diagrammet.
- Alle projekter er både miljømæssigt og økonomisk bæredygtige.
Ahead of the agenda seminars (Forum of the Future)
The first of our seminars focused on the sustainability challenges facing the suburbs of the future, and asked:
-What needs to change from the old model of car-reliant, individualistic suburbs in an era where sustainability is paramount?
- What do the sustainable suburbs of the future look and feel like in terms of land-use, transport, architecture, density, community and politics?
-How can retailers contribute to the fabric of these communities without creating a country of clones?
Read the panel speakers opening remarks:
Sir Peter Hall - internationally renowned expert on urban planning and Bartlett Professor of Planning and Regeneration at the Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning, University College London
Chris Leslie – Director of the New Local Government Network and formerly a Government Minister
Lord Richard Rogers – one of the world’s foremost living architects
David North - Community and Government Director for Tesco
Chaired by Stephanie Draper - Deputy Director of Forum’s Business Programme
Se bl.a. Richard Rogers tale om hvordan forstæder kan blive bæredygtige.
What makes a city thrive? People, lots of 'em, really, really close.
Læs mere her: http://www.realdania.dk/Presse/Pressemeddelelser/Pressemeddelelser+2008/Bryghusprojekt07-04-08.aspx
Der er en spændende udstilling i denne weekend nede i filmbyen i forbindelse med koonferencen Next no. 5. Next no. 5 handler om innovation og udstillingen fremviser en række nye teknologier som prototyper.
Tjek linket: http://www.innovationlab.net/da/node/670